Embedding Markdown in Jekyll HTML

If you are using Kramdown, based on their doc you can do this:

<div markdown="1">
   My text with **markdown** syntax

And this way, the text within the div is rendered as markdown.

Make sure to use the .md or .markdown extension for the file, as .html files aren't sent to Kramdown for processing!

Here's how you can define a markdown block with a Jekyll plugin:

module Jekyll
  class MarkdownBlock < Liquid::Block
    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
    require "kramdown"
    def render(context)
      content = super
Liquid::Template.register_tag('markdown', Jekyll::MarkdownBlock)

(To install this snippet as a plugin, put it in a *.rb file under _plugins directory of your source site root)

Then, use it like this:

{% markdown %}
[Stack Overflow](http://www.stackoverflow.com)
{% endmarkdown %}

EDIT: See @Cristian's answer for a better solution! If you're using Kramdown (which is likely the case since you are using Jekyll), you can use it's feature to render markdown inside div's with a markdown="1" attribute.