Drupal - Embed media in Ckeditor field for drupal 7

The standalone version of ckeditor module comes with a plugin called media embed. Ensure you have:

  • Enabled the media embed plugin for Ckeditor
  • Added the media embed input filter to a text format that your uses have access to (and is not filtered or tag limited in anyway)
  • Added the media embed button to the toolbar for the above text format

And that is it. In order to embed a youtube video (or anything for that matter), you get the <iframe> embed code from youtube, and paste it into the media embed dialog popup.

There is different ways to go about this. The easiest way for you would be using Ckeditor youtube.

You could also use the <iframe> solution, such as with the following markup.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-J3HfllvXWE" frameborder="0" width="547" height="333"></iframe>`

You can use the Media module; see Post YouTube Videos with Media + Media: YouTube.


