Emacs org-mode - How to run shell scripts with backgrounded processes without hanging Emacs

Here is the closest I can think of using https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async

    * Run shell command asynchronously

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle some_cmd.sh :tangle-mode (identity #o755) :shebang #!/bin/bash
sleep 10
touch async-file
echo "done"


#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'async)


 (lambda ()
   (shell-command (expand-file-name "some_cmd.sh")))
 (lambda (result)
   (message-box "%s" result)))


: #<process emacs>

ls async-file

or for your particular use:

(require 'async)

 (lambda ()
   (shell-command "xterm"))
 (lambda (result)
   (message-box "%s" result)))

I use ob-async from MELPA to enable asynchronous executions.


(require 'ob-async)


#+BEGIN_SRC sh :async
sleep 10 && echo 'Done!'