emacs find file in project on a big project

A github rep for my concoction is here: https://github.com/lewang/anything-project-files

I added a few more anything sources so that anything-project-find can be a drop-in replacement for "C-x b". So the idea is when you hit "C-x b" you are completing against existing buffers, recent files through recentf (personally I hack it to use "session.el" instead, but it's a small diff), files in current dir, files in current project. I find it pretty handy.

I've used this for a while, but it's not well tested, so please report any bugs you find.

Depends what you mean by fuzzy matching. Most fuzzy matching is inherently slow, but some lightweight, pseudo-fuzzy algorithms are pretty fast. Generally speaking, you're probably better off with a regexp search, not a fuzzy-match search.

Anyway, there are two parts to the question:

  • Defining a project as a given set of files and directories.
  • Searching through the project files & directories -- all or some

Icicles can help with both:

  • Project definition, management, etc.

  • Searching a project or parts of it:

    • Searching file content (and search-and-replace)

    • Locating files

You can try gpicker. If you pass -t guess, it will try to figure out relevant files though scm backend such as git.

I use following snippet to find file in project, where the project root is determined by eproject.

(require 'iy-dep)

(defcustom iy-gpicker-cmd (executable-find "gpicker")
  "Default font"
  :type 'file
  :group 'iy-config)

(defun iy-gpicker-find-file (dir)
    (or (and current-prefix-arg (ido-read-directory-name "gpicker: " nil nil t))
        (and (boundp 'eproject-root) eproject-root)
        (and (not current-prefix-arg) (ido-read-directory-name "gpicker: " nil nil t))
        (if dired-directory (expand-file-name dired-directory) default-directory))))
  (when dir
      (call-process iy-gpicker-cmd nil (list (current-buffer) nil) nil
                    "-t" "guess" "-m" dir)
      (cd dir)
      (dolist (file (split-string (buffer-string) "\0"))
        (unless (string-equal file "")
          (find-file file))))))

(provide 'iy-gpicker)

