Emacs compilation mode won't see bash alias

Emacs inherits its environment from the parent process. How are you invoking Emacs - from the command line, or some other way?

What happens if you:

M-x compile RET C-a C-k bash -i -c your_alias RET

Invoking bash as an interactive shell (-i option) should read your .bashrc aliases.

Edit: I think both M-x shell-command and M-x compile execute commands in an inferior shell via call-process. Try the following in your .emacs (or just evaluate):

(setq shell-file-name "bash")
(setq shell-command-switch "-ic")

I notice that after evaluation of the above, .bashrc aliases are picked up for use by both M-x shell-command and M-x compile, i.e

M-x compile RET your_alias RET

should then work.

My environment: Emacs 24.1 (pretest rc1), OSX 10.7.3

Keith Flower's answer works but can result in some slowdowns due to .bashrc being unnecessarily loaded in other places (presumably many many times, my computer is not exactly under-powered but emacs was almost unusable when trying to use autocomplete.el).

An alternative way is to locally modify shell-command-switch only for the functions where it is needed. This can be done using emacs' "advice" feature to create a wrapper around those functions. Here's an example that modifies compile:

;; Define + active modification to compile that locally sets
;; shell-command-switch to "-ic".
(defadvice compile (around use-bashrc activate)
  "Load .bashrc in any calls to bash (e.g. so we can use aliases)"
  (let ((shell-command-switch "-ic"))

You need to write similar "advice" for each function that you want to use .bashrc (e.g. I also needed to define the same advice for recompile), just copy the above and replace compile in the above with another function name.

You may like emac's bash-completion :


You'll be able to use tab completion of your aliases in the compilation minibuffer and in shell-mode.

Enjoy !

(they speak about it here Bash autocompletion in Emacs shell-mode )


