Eliminate npm "update available" message

To disable notifier just run:

npm config set update-notifier false

As Dem Pilafian mentioned - it will add update-notifier=false to ~/.npmrc

To see the current value you need this line

npm config get update-notifier

Read more about npm config here https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/config

This was annoying me as well, but there's absolutely no information about it anywhere.

Looking through the code, I've found that the update-notifier-module used by npm has actually a couple of ways to turn it off.

The best one is probably the special config-file located at ~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-npm.json (just search for update-notifier-npm.json). Inside it, simply set "optOut" to true.

The other ways to disable it would be setting an environment-variable called "NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER" or using the argument "--no-update-notifier"

