Elasticsearch list indices sorted by name

You can ask ES to sort the results via the s (sort) searchParameter using s=i or s=index

curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty&s=i"
curl "localhost:9200/_cat/aliases?pretty&s=index"

To see the column's headers, add "&v" :

curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty&v&s=index"`.

You can find some explanations in the cat/indices documentation

The best way for Elasticsearch 5x is like this:

GET _cat/aliases?v&s=index:desc&h=alias,index

Will give you:

alias                                     index
app-logs-alias                            app-logs-2017-12-31
backend-logs-read                         backend-logs-2017-12-31

s = sort, v = various extra detail, h = headings to include,