Egit - Cannot checkout now - stuck in rebase state

In Git Staging view there is an option to abort rebase.

enter image description here

Use the Merge upstream commit to local branch.

Rebase means changing the old master to new master code(i.e. changing the base of your branch) and merging means added your changes to master.

You can also try using git command line to resolve such conflict.

Using Git Rebase/Merge Process While working on your brach get all files added and pushed to server

git add .
git commit -m "SSSS"
git push -u origin <BranchName>
git checkout master
git pull

[A] The master is older code means you can merge your code

git merge <your branch name>
git push

[B] Master has newer code and shows a list of files are pulled from server

$ git checkout your_branch  Note: make sure you are working in your branch
$ git rebase master

Now you will get a message about conflicts so start working on each file from bottom to resolve conflict now add that file

$ git add <filename which you just updated> 
$ git rebase --continue

Follow above two commands until all conflicts are resolved. Now master changed are merged into your branch and pushed to server << YOUR BRANCH Now you need to update master branch

$ git checkout master
$ git merge <YOUR_BRANCH>
$ git push

Verify NOTE: When rebasing if your current changes are overwritten and you dont want to continue, run -

$git rebase --abort

While doing merge/rebase if a message windows appear to write your commit statement, THERE IS NO ESCAPE... write something and then do the following-

$git reset --hard HEAD~1

[This command will reset the current commit head to 1 level back to what happened in the last merge will revert]