EF & Automapper. Update nested collections

when save changes all cities are considered as added becasue EF didn't now about them till saving time. So EF tries to set null to foreign key of old city and insert it instead of update.

using ChangeTracker.Entries() you will find out what changes CRUD is going to be made by EF.

If you want just update existing city manually, you can simply do :

foreach (var city in country.cities)
    context.Entry(city).State = EntityState.Modified;


The problem is the country you are retrieving from database already has some cities. When you use AutoMapper like this:

// mapping 
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(countryDTO, country);

AutoMapper is doing something like creating an IColletion<City> correctly (with one city in your example), and assigning this brand new collection to your country.Cities property.

The problem is EntityFramework doesn't know what to do with the old collection of cities.

  • Should it remove your old cities and assume only the new collection?
  • Should it just merge the two lists and keep both in database?

In fact, EF cannot decide for you. If you want to keep using AutoMapper, you can customize your mapping like this:

// AutoMapper Profile
public class MyProfile : Profile

    protected override void Configure()

        Mapper.CreateMap<CountryData, Country>()
            .ForMember(d => d.Cities, opt => opt.Ignore())

    private void AddOrUpdateCities(CountryData dto, Country country)
        foreach (var cityDTO in dto.Cities)
            if (cityDTO.Id == 0)
                Mapper.Map(cityDTO, country.Cities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == cityDTO.Id));

The Ignore() configuration used for Cities makes AutoMapper just keep the original proxy reference built by EntityFramework.

Then we just use AfterMap() to invoke an action doing exactly what you thought:

  • For new cities, we map from DTO to Entity (AutoMapper creates a new instance) and add it to country's collection.
  • For existing cities, we use an overload of Map where we pass the existing entity as the second parameter, and the city proxy as first parameter, so AutoMapper just updates the existing entity's properties.

Then you can keep your original code:

using (var context = new Context())
        // getting entity from db, reflect it to dto
        var countryDTO = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1).ToDTO<CountryData>();

        // add new city to dto 
        countryDTO.Cities.Add(new CityData 
                                      CountryId = countryDTO.Id, 
                                      Name = "new city", 
                                      Population = 100000 

        // change existing city name
        countryDTO.Cities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 4).Name = "another name";

        // retrieving original entity from db
        var country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);

        // mapping 
        AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(countryDTO, country);

        // save and expecting ef to recognize changes

This is not an answer per se to the OP, but anyone looking at a similar problem today should consider using AutoMapper.Collection. It provides support for these parent-child collection issues that used to require a lot of code to handle.

I apologize for not including a good solution or more detail, but I am only coming up to speed on it now. There is an excellent simple example right in the README.md displayed on the link above.

Using this requires a bit of a rewrite, but it drastically cuts down on the amount of code you have to write, especially if you're using EF and can make use of AutoMapper.Collection.EntityFramework.