Edit and view BibTex database on Android

According to my research, unfortunately there is no reference manager for Android that can handle reading Bibtex, handle PDF file links AND synchronize with Owncloud.

However, I am quite satisfied with my solution that is as follows:

  • I use RefMaster to handle the Bibtex file and suppports PDF file links
  • I save my Bibtex file on the local memory and use a synchronization app to keep it up to date with the file in my Owncloud. A suitable app for this would be e.g. "FolderSync Lite" (no need to pay the full version for these needs). For me unfortunately, I couldn't connect to my Owncloud server with this app for any unknown reason. That's why I personally use "Synchronize Ultimate" that syncs Owncloud with my local memory but only does this on demand. This simply means that there is no Daemon running that keeps the Bibtex file always synchronous with the file in my Owncloud. However, this solution is the best I could achieve until now.

Please let me know whether you find an even better solution, I would be very interested! Please also let me know whether your "FolderSync Lite" works with your Owncloud server.