Eclipse Color Theme reverts to default every time I exit

To set up Dark theme as a "global" theme, and the theme you like from Eclipse Color Theme that you installed from Market Place, you can do the following. I used:

  1. windows 10 (64 bit, but for 32 bit is probably the same)
  2. eclipse oxygen


  1. Set the "global" theme to the dark theme: (Windows>Preferences>General>Appearance>Theme:Dark)
  2. close eclipse. (You can change the Color Theme to let's say Recogn Eyes -which is my favorite-)
  3. Re-open eclipse. (If you changed the Color theme you will have the default for the Dark theme, since you are reading this)
  4. Open File explorer and look for C:\Users\[user]\eclipse-workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
  5. Open org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme.
  6. Copy text after =, and keep that in your clipboard , in my case it was org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_dark
  7. (In eclipse) Set the schema to default, and close the application.
  8. open eclipse and choose your favorite color theme.
  9. Close eclipse.
  10. Go to the file org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme again and paste what was in the clipboard (themeid=org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_dark, in my case) after the =.

The following works in Eclipse Neon for me:

@djgeary @jdeyton Try enabling Oomph preferences recorder in Eclipse Mars settings (icon in settings window at bottom part of the screen, near help icon). After that set theme and that it. Next time you launch eclipse Oomph should restore correct theme settings.

Credit goes to dovydasvenckus for answer on github, here.

This solution work for me: try to change it to Classic and restart your computer. Then change it back to Dark Theme, now the color themes are remembered after restarting Eclipse.

Open Preferences -> Oomph -> Preferences recorder -> Enable then set the theme once again, this time Oomph will record it