ECDSA vs ECDH vs Ed25519 vs Curve25519

In SSH, two algorithms are used: a key exchange algorithm (Diffie-Hellman or the elliptic-curve variant called ECDH) and a signature algorithm. The key exchange yields the secret key which will be used to encrypt data for that session. The signature is so that the client can make sure that it talks to the right server (another signature, computed by the client, may be used if the server enforces key-based client authentication).

ECDH uses a curve; most software use the standard NIST curve P-256. Curve25519 is another curve, whose "sales pitch" is that it is faster, not stronger, than P-256. The performance difference is very small in human terms: we are talking about less than a millisecond worth of computations on a small PC, and this happens only once per SSH session. You will not notice it. Neither curve can be said to be "stronger" than the other, not practically (they are both quite far in the "cannot break it" realm) nor academically (both are at the "128-bit security level").

Even when ECDH is used for the key exchange, most SSH servers and clients will use DSA or RSA keys for the signatures. If you want a signature algorithm based on elliptic curves, then that's ECDSA or Ed25519; for some technical reasons due to the precise definition of the curve equation, that's ECDSA for P-256, Ed25519 for Curve25519. There again, neither is stronger than the other, and speed difference is way too small to be detected by a human user. However most browsers (including Firefox and Chrome) do not support ECDH any more (dh too).

Using P-256 should yield better interoperability right now, because Ed25519 is much newer and not as widespread. But, for a given server that you configure, and that you want to access from your own machines, interoperability does not matter much: you control both client and server software.

So, basically, the choice is down to aesthetics, i.e. completely up to you, with no rational reason. Security issues won't be caused by that choice anyway; the cryptographic algorithms are the strongest part of your whole system, not the weakest.

From the Introduction to Ed25519, there are some speed benefits, and some security benefits. One of the more interesting security benefits is that it is immune to several side channel attacks:

  • No secret array indices. The software never reads or writes data from secret addresses in RAM; the pattern of addresses is completely predictable. The software is therefore immune to cache-timing attacks, hyperthreading attacks, and other side-channel attacks that rely on leakage of addresses through the CPU cache.
  • No secret branch conditions. The software never performs conditional branches based on secret data; the pattern of jumps is completely predictable. The software is therefore immune to side-channel attacks that rely on leakage of information through the branch-prediction unit.

For comparison, there have been several real-world cache-timing attacks demonstrated on various algorithms.

There is an important practical advantage of Ed25519 over (EC)DSA: The latter family of algorithms completely breaks when used for signatures together with a broken random number generator. Such a RNG failure has happened before and might very well happen again.

Theoretically, implementations can protect against this specific problem, but it is much harder to verify that both ends are using a correct implementation than to just prefer or enforce (depending on your compatibility needs) an algorithm that explicitly specifies secure behavior (Ed25519).


