Eager Loading: Use `with` on pivot with eloquent relationship

The current accepted answer deviates from the original data structure. I created a package which can help you achieve what you want and also it maintains the original data structure. Please read my medium story here: https://medium.com/@ajcastro29/laravel-eloquent-eager-load-pivot-relations-dba579f3fd3a

First, create your custom pivot model and define relations on pivot model, in your case:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot;

class BundleProduct extends Pivot
    public function price()
        return $this->belongsTo(Price::class);

Then use the pivot model in the relation:

class Bundle extends Model
    public function products()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class)
        ->withPivot('price_id') // this is needed to query the relation `price`

Make sure you use the trait AjCastro\EagerLoadPivotRelations\EagerLoadPivotTrait in the Product model because it is the related model in belongsToMany relation. This let us enable eager loading the pivot relations.

use AjCastro\EagerLoadPivotRelations\EagerLoadPivotTrait;

class Product extends Model 
  use EagerLoadPivotTrait;

Then eager load it like this:

$bundle = Bundle::with('products.pivot.price')->first();
$price = $bundle->products->first()->pivot->price;

One solution could be adding a BundleProduct model for the pivot. Then link the BundleProduct object to Bundle model:

class Bundle extends Model
    public function bundleProducts()
        return $this->hasMany(BundleProduct::class, 'bundle_id', 'id');

To get all your bundles with their associated products and prices in this bundle, just do:

Bundle::with('bundleProducts.product', 'bundleProducts.price')->get();

That worked for me, hope it could help someone else.