Eager load hasMany & belongsTo (circular reference/infinite loop)

There is a without() method: https://laravel.com/api/5.8/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.html#method_without

Placing without() on both sides of a relationship worked.

class Property extends EloquentModel {
    protected $with = ['images'];

    public function images()
        return $this->hasMany(Image::class)->without('property');
class Image extends EloquentModel {
    protected $with = ['property'];

    public function property()
        return $this->belongsTo(Property::class)->without('images');

    public function getAlt()
        return $this->property->title;


Even though using without() easily avoid the infinite loop issue, through years of experience with Laravel I realize it is bad practice to set $with in the model as it causes relationships to always load. Hence leading to circular reference/infinite loop

Rather, always use with() to explicitly specify necessary relationships to be eager loaded, however deep necessary (relationship of relationship)

For example:

$user = User::with('images' => function ($query) {
            $query->with('property' => function ($query) {
                $query->with('deeperifneeded' => function ($query) {

Note: May need to remove without()