Dynamically add targets to a Prometheus configuration

There are several ways of providing dynamic targets to your Prometheus. Please refer the link here

Some of them are:

  • azure_sd_config (for AzureVM metrics)
  • consul_sd_config (for Consul's Catalog API)
  • dns_sd_config (DNS-based service discovery)
  • ec2_sd_config (for AWS EC2 instances)
  • openstack_sd_config (for Openstack Nova instances)
  • file_sd_config (file-based service discovery)

I think what you require is file_sd_config. file_sd_config is a more generic way to configure static targets. You may provide the targets in a yaml or json format. Please follow the link for detailed information.

If one of the provided service discovery mechanisms doesn't already do what you need, you can use file_sd_configs to provide targets on the fly.

