Dynamic template URLs in Angular 2

Although maybe not the most elegant solution, I used the DynamicComponentLoader and ElementRef to dynamically assign template value to a component. In fact, I was looking for a solution where I can add multiple custom components into a placeholder.

I tried service injection in the function as outlined by shmck this doesn't work as the services are not available yet when the template function is called. Indeed, this refers to the Window object.

Reference URLs for the solution I used are to be found on: create dynamic anchorName/Components with ComponentResolver and ngFor in Angular2

I also refer this way to Plnkr1 and Plnkr2.

The site Dartdocs provides nice documentation on Angular 2 DynamicComponentLoader class, also applicable to TypeScript.

In short:

A simple Component as the to be used template

  selector: 'dt2-simple-block',
  properties: ["idx"],
  template: `<h1>Simple block for  {{ idx }} </h1>`,
  directives: []
class dt2SimpleBlock {
  constructor() {

Constructor of the Component that holds all Components to be added (my app requires multiple childs to be included:

 constructor(loader: DynamicComponentLoader, elementRef: ElementRef) {

  for (var i = 0; i < toSomething; i++) {
      // build the template
      var blockdirective = 'dt2-simple-block'
      var template = '<' + blockdirective + 
                     ' idx="' + this.userBlocks.userHomePanelBlocks[i] +
                     '"></' + blockdirective + '>';
      console.log(template);   // debugging purpose
      var directives = [dt2SimpleBlock];
        loader.loadNextToLocation(toComponent(template, directives), elementRef);

And the helper function to be put somewhere as util

function toComponent(template, directives = []) {
  @Component({ selector: 'fake-component' })
  @View({ template, directives })
  class FakeComponent { }

  return FakeComponent;

My solution:

Angular 2.0 ViewResolver Class

class myViewResolver extends ViewResolver{
    resolve(component: Type): ViewMetadata {        
        var view =  super.resolve(component);
        // TODO: Write logic here:-)
        view.templateUrl = 'app/app.html';
        return view;
    provide(ViewResolver , {useClass:myViewResolver})

Not quite what you asked for, but it's worth mentioning:

Another simple solution, which works for most use cases, is to put the logic in the template itself, like so:

  selector: 'my-component'
// Note1: Here, I use template instead of templateUrl.
// Note2: I use ES6 string interpolation + require() to embed/load the other templates, but you can do it however you like.
  template: `
    <div [ngSwitch]="loggedIn">
      <template [ngSwitchCase]="true"> ${require('./logged-in.html')} </template>
      <template ngSwitchDefault> ${require('./logged-out.html')} </template>
class MyComponent {
  constructor() {
    this.loggedIn = false;

Downside for this solution is that your served js file ends up containing both templates, so this might be an issue for big templates (but only one template is actually rendered and the js size overhead is acceptable in many cases).