Dynamic Linq Expression with return value

You need to change a few things:

  • Put the return label at the bottom of your function in a block expression, as René suggested. This is where your return statement will jump.

  • Declare the Lambda as type Func<int, bool>. Since you want a return value, this needs to be a function, not an action.

  • Declare the returnTarget label as type bool. Since the return value of a block expression is the value of its last statement, the label must be of the correct type.

  • Provide a default value for the final label (= the return value of your function if the label is reached by normal control flow instead of a return statement).

    LabelTarget returnTarget = Expression.Label(typeof(bool));
    ParameterExpression para = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "intvalue");
    Expression test = Expression.GreaterThan(para, Expression.Constant(5));
    Expression iftrue = Expression.Return(returnTarget, Expression.Constant(true));
    Expression iffalse = Expression.Return(returnTarget, Expression.Constant(false));
    var ex = Expression.Block(
        Expression.IfThenElse(test, iftrue, iffalse),
        Expression.Label(returnTarget, Expression.Constant(false)));
    var compiled = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(
        new ParameterExpression[] { para }
    Console.WriteLine(compiled(5));     // prints "False"
    Console.WriteLine(compiled(6));     // prints "True"

If you have simple condition statement like this:

if (condition)
    return expression1;
    return expression2;

You can transform that into ternary expression: condition ? expression1 : expression2. And then you can create an expression without using Label, Return, or Goto.

Expression condition;
Expression expression1;
Expression expression2;
/* ... */
Expression body = Expression.Condition(
    test:    condition,
    ifTrue:  expression1,
    ifFalse: expression2);

returnTarget currently is only referenced by your if/then/else statement. The label is not placed in the statement anywhere. So it does not know where to jump to. The label is only defined and referenced, but not placed.

Try using Expression.Block to combine your lambda and your label.

    new ParameterExpression[] { para }

Haven't tested it, but this is the general direction in which you can find your answer.

-update- tested it, the lambda above compiles and runs just fine as it stands now.

-update2- apparantly, you want to return a value as well, let me have a look, at the least, it should be a Func rather than an Action.