Duplicate the KOOS Jr. Scoring interval algorithm

05AB1E, 59 bytes


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•G‚Œιã¶&‡Vc–QΩååI~(Ìö{3.ùSÿ{Ćι¯TærÆcï₃āÀ}ªHÕ¶η• is a compressed version of the input constructed by:

  • multiplying each element in the input by 1000
  • reversing the resulting list
  • calculating deltas
  • joining to a single base-10 number
  • compressing to base-255

The rest of the code is then:

4ô          # split in pieces of 4
  .¥        # undelta
    R       # reverse
     3°/    # divide each by 1000
        Iè  # index into list with input