Drupal - Drush on windows - Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level to run

This particular error happens when drush cannot find the settings.php file to read in and "bootstrap" itself.

You need to cd into the drupal directory (Document root) of your drupal install in order for it to read in a settings.php file.

Looks like your pwd (present working directory) is on your desktop. Which i'm going to make a quick assumption that that directory isn't where your drupal install is located at.

As a side note, whats the easiest way to get drush with the bash working on windows? Any good tuts?

I highly recommend looking into installing/using Cygwin on windows; as it's a slight improvement.

From there you'll be able to do more things with Drush. The sql-sync and several other functions i hear don't totally work reliably. For even more bonus points you may want to move to a linux or mac environment (something that has a terminal built in).

If you must stay with windows, please consider a drupal project called, quickstart, that creates a virtual machine that allows you to run ubuntu through a remote desktop terminal.

If your sites folder is not named default, then cd to the folder that contains settings.php and try again. You can also specify the root and site explicitly with the --root and --uri options. See drush topic for more drush help; in particular, read the example aliases topic.

Be aware that there are still open issues with Drush on Windows. For best result, be sure that you are using the latest installer (23 Nov as of this writing).

