dropzone.js image upload acceptedMimeTypes

thanks enyo it worked ....awesome...just paste that line in dropjone.js->

uploadMultiple: true,  //upload multiple files
maxFilesize: 1,  //1 mb is here the max file upload size constraint
acceptedFiles: ".jpeg,.jpg,.png,.gif",


The default implementation of accept checks the file's mime type or extension against this list. This is a comma separated list of mime types or file extensions. Eg.: 'image/*,application/pdf,.psd' If the Dropzone is clickable this option will be used as accept parameter on the hidden file input as well.

I'm the author of Dropzone.

You should use the acceptedMimeTypes acceptedFiles. This behaves exactly the same as the input element's accept property. This way, even the fallback will work properly.

Valid acceptedFiles properties can look like this:

  • audio/*
  • image/*
  • image/jpeg,image/png
  • etc...

EDIT: in the latest versions of Dropzone this property is called acceptedFiles and it allows you to also define extensions. So this would work:


(For backwards compatibility acceptedMimeTypes will still work until the next major release)