Drawing arrows above HTML

You can use my solution not complete draw arrow yet, let create a canvas and draw a line from two points, based on calculate of start and end point.

Example running: https://jsfiddle.net/tabvn/uk7hsj3a    

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
<table id="my-table">
        <td id="end">9</td>
        <td id="start">0</td>

<script type="text/javascript">

  var table = document.getElementById('my-table')
  var startElement = document.getElementById('start')
  var endElement = document.getElementById('end')

  var startPoint = {x: startElement.offsetLeft + table.offsetLeft, y: startElement.offsetTop + table.offsetTop}
  var endPoint = {x: endElement.offsetLeft + table.offsetLeft, y: endElement.offsetTop + table.offsetTop}
  var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
  canvas.width = table.clientWidth
  canvas.height = table.clientHeight
  canvas.style.position = 'absolute'
  canvas.style.top = startPoint.y < endPoint.y ? startPoint.y + 'px' : endPoint.y + 'px'
  canvas.style.left = startPoint.x < endPoint.x ? startPoint.x + 'px' : endPoint.x + 'px'

  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')

  ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'
  ctx.fillStyle = 'red'
  ctx.moveTo(startPoint.x - (startElement.clientWidth / 2), startPoint.y)
  ctx.lineTo(endPoint.x - (endElement.clientWidth / 2), endPoint.y)
  document.body.insertBefore(canvas, table, 30)



With a bit of JavasSript and CSS you can achieve this without canvas or SVG. Here is an example:

function getPosition(el) {
   return {
     x: el.offsetLeft + el.offsetWidth / 2,
     y: el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight / 2

 function getDistance(a, b) {
   const from = getPosition(a);
   const to = getPosition(b);

   return {
     distance: Math.hypot(from.x - to.x, from.y - to.y),
     angle: Math.atan2(to.x - from.x, from.y - to.y) * 180 / Math.PI,
     position: {
       start: from,
       end: to

function init(){
// Get values and elements then set style
 const values = getDistance(
 let wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
 let arrow = document.getElementById('arrow');
 let bottom = wrapper.offsetHeight - values.position.start.y;
 arrow.style.height = values.distance + "px";
 arrow.style.transform = `rotate(${values.angle}deg)`;
 arrow.style.bottom = bottom + "px";
 arrow.style.left = values.position.start.x + "px";


window.addEventListener('resize', function(){
#wrapper {
  position: relative;
  left: 50px;
  top: 100px;

#arrow {
  position: absolute;
  width: 2px;
  background-color: red;
  transform-origin: bottom center;

#arrow::before {
    position: absolute;
    height: 0px;
    width: 0px;
    border: 6px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 8px solid red;
    content: "";
    bottom: 100%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);
<div id='wrapper'>
  <div id='arrow'></div>
      <td >0</td>
      <td id="end">9</td>
      <td id="start">0</td>