Drawing a circle through 3 non-collinear points

A new node style, based on the derivation below plus the information that one can use intersection of \p1--\p3 and \p2--\p4, which I learned from AndréC's nice answer

\tikzset{circle through 3 points/.style n args={3}{%
insert path={let    \p1=($(#1)!0.5!(#2)$),
                    \p5=(intersection of \p1--\p3 and \p2--\p4)
                    in },
circle through= {(#1)}

    \coordinate (A) at (1,1);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,2);
    \coordinate (C) at (3,1.5);
    \node[circle through 3 points={A}{B}{C},draw=blue]{};
    \foreach \i in {A,B,C} {
        \node[circle,minimum size=1pt,fill=red] at(\i) {};

enter image description here

Just for fun: an analytic solution based on calc only. (My personal opinion, though, is that this method is more "TikZy", i.e. closer to how the standard TikZ styles work, than the tkz-euclide macros, which are more like pstricks, which I have left behind. However, this is just a personal opinion, and might not be shared by others.)

\tikzset{circle through 3 points/.style n args={3}{%
insert path={let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$),\p2=($(#1)!0.5!(#2)$),
    \p3=($(#1)-(#3)$),\p4=($(#1)!0.5!(#3)$),\p5=(#1),\n1={(-(\x2*\x3) + \x3*\x4 + \y3*(-\y2 +
    \y4))/(\x3*\y1 - \x1*\y3)},\n2={veclen(\x5-\x2-\n1*\y1,\y5-\y2+\n1*\x1)} in
    ({\x2+\n1*\y1},{\y2-\n1*\x1}) circle (\n2)}
    \coordinate (A) at (1,1);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,2);
    \coordinate (C) at (3,1.5);
    \draw[circle through 3 points={A}{B}{C}];
    \foreach \i in {A,B,C} {
        \node[circle,minimum size=1pt,fill=red] at(\i) {};

enter image description here

(Note that \n1 is a fraction, and could in principle not be well defined. If you ever encounter this case, just change the ordering, e.g. do \draw[circle through 3 points={B}{C}{A}]; or something along those lines.)

ADDENDUM: Explanation of the analytic formula.

\tikzset{circle through 3 points/.style n args={3}{%
insert path={let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$),\p2=($(#1)!0.5!(#2)$),
    \p3=($(#1)-(#3)$),\p4=($(#1)!0.5!(#3)$),\p5=(#1),\n1={(-(\x2*\x3) + \x3*\x4 + \y3*(-\y2 +
    \y4))/(\x3*\y1 - \x1*\y3)},\n2={veclen(\x5-\x2-\n1*\y1,\y5-\y2+\n1*\x1)} in
    ({\x2+\n1*\y1},{\y2-\n1*\x1}) circle (\n2)}
\foreach \X in {1,...,5}
\path[use as bounding box] (-1,-4) rectangle (6,4);
    \coordinate (A) at (1,1);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,2);
    \coordinate (C) at (3,1.5);
    \foreach \i in {A,B,C} {
        \node[circle,minimum size=1pt,fill=red] at(\i) {};
 \node[anchor=north,text width=7cm] (start) at (2.5,0){Starting point: 3 points.};
 \foreach \Y in {A,B,C}
 {\draw[-latex] (start) to[out=90,in=-90] (\Y) node[above=2pt]{\Y}; }
 \coordinate (auxAB) at ($ (A)!.5!(B) $);
 \coordinate (auxBC) at ($ (B)!.5!(C) $);
 \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C);
 \draw ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) -- ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $) coordinate(aux1);
 \draw ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) coordinate(aux2) -- ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $);
 \node[anchor=north,text width=7cm] (int) at (2.5,0){The center of the circle is
 where the lines that run through and are orthogonal to the edges intersect.};
 \draw[-latex] (int) to[out=45,in=-90] (aux1);
 \draw[-latex] (int) to[out=135,in=-90] (aux2);
 \coordinate[label=below:$P_2$] (auxAB) at ($ (A)!.5!(B) $);
 \coordinate[label=below:$P_4$] (auxBC) at ($ (B)!.5!(C) $);
 \foreach \Y in {auxAB,auxBC}
 {\fill (\Y) circle (1pt);}
 \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C);
 \draw ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) -- ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $);
 \draw ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) -- ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $);
 \node[anchor=north,text width=7cm] (int) at (2.5,0){Call the points in the
 middle $P_2$ and $P_4$, and the differences $P_1=A-B$ and $P_3=B-C$. Then the
 orthogonal lines will fulfill
 \end{array}\right) \]
 \end{array}\right)\;. \]
 \coordinate[label=below:$P_2$] (auxAB) at ($ (A)!.5!(B) $);
 \coordinate[label=below:$P_4$] (auxBC) at ($ (B)!.5!(C) $);
 \foreach \Y in {auxAB,auxBC}
 {\fill (\Y) circle (1pt);}
 \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C);
 \draw ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) -- ($ (auxAB)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $);
 \draw ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!90:(B) $) -- ($ (auxBC)!1.2cm!-90:(B) $);
 \node[anchor=north,text width=7cm] (int) at (2.5,0){The center of the circle is
 then simply determined by 
 \[\gamma_1(\alpha)~=~\gamma_2(\beta)\;, \]
 which has the solution
 \alpha~=~\frac{-(x_2\cdot x_3) + x_3\cdot x_4 + y_3\cdot (y_4-y_2 )}{x_3\cdot y_1 - x_1\cdot y_3}\;.
 This is \texttt{\textbackslash n1} in the Ti\emph{k}Z style \texttt{circle through 3 points}.
\draw[circle through 3 points={A}{B}{C}];
 \node[anchor=north,text width=7cm] (int) at (2.5,-0.1){Once we have the center,
 determining the radius (\texttt{\textbackslash n2}) is trivial, and we can draw
 the circle with a simple \texttt{insert path}.};

enter image description here

The tkz-euclide package has a macro to do this. The manual is written in French.

  1. First, we define the circle with the macro \tkzDefCircle.
  2. This macro returns two values that are the center recovered with the macro \tkzGetPoint{O}
  3. and the radius that is recovered with the macro \tkzGetLength{rayon}.

Once this is done, we draw the circle with the macro \tkzDrawCircle[R](O,\rayon pt)

cercle circonscrit

    \coordinate (A) at (1,1);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,2);
    \coordinate (C) at (3,1.5);

%    \node[draw,line width=2pt] [circle through={(A)(B)(C)}] {};

\tkzGetPoint{O} \tkzGetLength{rayon}
\tkzDrawCircle[R](O,\rayon pt)

    \foreach \i in {A,B,C} {
        \node[circle,minimum size=1pt,fill=red] at(\i) {};

Just for fun with @AndréC's answer:

    \coordinate (A) at (1,1);
    \coordinate (B) at (2,2);
    \coordinate (C) at (3,1.5);

    \draw let \p1=($(A)!0.5!(B)$),
    \p7=(intersection of \p3--\p4 and \p5--\p6)
    (A) -- (B)
    (A) -- (C)
    (\p3) -- (\p4)
    (\p5) -- (\p6)
    foreach \j in {1,...,7} {
        node[circle,minimum size=2pt,fill=red,inner sep=0,label=\j] at(\p\j) {}
    node[draw,line  width=1pt,circle through= {(A)}] at (\p7)  {};

\foreach \i in {A,B,C} {
    \node[circle,minimum size=5pt,fill=red,inner sep=0,label=\i] at(\i) {};

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf