Draw parts of a split rectangle in a dashed/dotted style

Draw the whole border after the node is built:


\usetikzlibrary{shapes.multipart, calc}



\node[rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split horizontal,
    append after command={\pgfextra
        \draw ($(othername.one split south)!.25!(othername.south east)$)-|(othername.west)|-($(othername.one split north)!.25!(othername.north east)$);
        \draw ($(othername.one split south)!.75!(othername.south east)$)-|(othername.east)|-($(othername.one split north)!.75!(othername.north east)$);
        \draw[dashed] ($(othername.one split south)!.25!(othername.south east)$)--($(othername.one split south)!.75!(othername.south east)$);
        \draw[dashed] ($(othername.one split north)!.25!(othername.north east)$)--($(othername.one split north)!.75!(othername.north east)$);
        \draw (othername.one split north)--(othername.one split south);
    \endpgfextra} ]
  {foo \nodepart[text width=2cm, draw=none]{second} bar};


enter image description here

Try overdraw the second part of multi part node with white dashed line:

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}

node distance = 0pt,
  mpnh/.style = {% multi part node horisontal
        rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2,
        rectangle split horizontal, 
        draw, outer sep=0pt, align=center}
\node (mpnh) [mpnh]
    \nodepart[text width=2cm]{second} bar};
\draw[white, semithick, dashed] (mpnh.two north)+(-0.5,0) -- ++ (.5,0)
                                (mpnh.two south)+(-0.5,0) -- ++ (.5,0);

enter image description here