Draw overlay (HUD) on Android VideoView?

I found the answer for your question: VideoView on top of SurfaceView The SurfaceView and the VideoView are both surface views and it was not supported to overlap these in old versions of Android but available since 2.0.

What you need to do:

  1. set the pixelformat to TRANSPARENT in order to let the video shine through the interface


  1. set the HUD surface to be a Media Overlay.


  1. create a new surface and set that as the Display for a MediaPlayer that plays the video.

There is a pull request where you can try these. https://github.com/arthurbenemann/droidplanner/pull/247

The thread that brought the solution: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!msg/android-developers/nDNQcceRnYA/ps9wTBfXIyEJ