Draw lines inside a matrix

You can label the matrix and then use the (m-1-2) syntax to draw. It means the first row and second column of matrix (m) (i.e., 1-2 are indices of the entry).

  \begin{tikzpicture}[cell/.style={rectangle,draw=black}, nodes in empty cells]
  matrix of math nodes,
  row sep =-\pgflinewidth,
  column sep = -\pgflinewidth,
  nodes={anchor=center, minimum width=2cm, cell},
  column 1/.style = {nodes={minimum width=1cm, fill=lightgray}},
  column 2/.style = {nodes={minimum width=3.2cm}},
  column 3/.style = {nodes={minimum width=3.2cm}},
  row 1/.style = {nodes={text height=1.3ex, text depth=0, fill=lightgray}},
  row 2/.style = {text height=1.3ex, text depth=0},
  row 3/.style = {text height=1.3ex, text depth=0},
  row 4/.style = {text height=1.3ex, text depth=0},
  {   &  1 & 2  \\
    1 & \bullet & \bullet \\
    2 & \bullet & \bullet \\
    3 & \bullet & \bullet \\
  \draw[-latex] (m-4-3.center) -- (m-3-2.center);
  \draw[-latex] (m-4-3.center) -- (m-3-3.center);
  \draw[-latex] (m-3-2.center) -- (m-2-2.center);
  \draw[-latex] (m-3-3.center) -- (m-2-2.center);

enter image description here

A fully automated PSTricks solution:



% settings
  dimen = m,
  fillcolor = gray!60

% parameters


  \multido{\r = 0+\RowHeight}{\fpeval{\Rows+1}}{%
    \psframe[fillstyle = solid](0,\r)(1,\fpeval{\r+\RowHeight})%
           \rE = 0+\RowHeight,
           \rF = \fpeval{0.5*\RowHeight}+\RowHeight,
           \iB = \Rows+-1
             \rA = 1+\ColumnWidth,
             \rB = \fpeval{0.5*\ColumnWidth+1}+\ColumnWidth,
             \rC = \fpeval{0.5*\RowHeight}+\RowHeight,
             \rD = \fpeval{1.5*\RowHeight}+-\RowHeight,
             \iA = 1+1
      \psframe[fillstyle = solid]%



All you have to do is change the values of the parameters and the drawing will be adjusted accordingly.


If you want a macro, here is how it can be done:



% settings
  dimen = m,
  fillcolor = gray!60

% \Table[<cell width>,<cell height>]{<number of columns}{<number of rows>}
  \multido{\r = 0+#2}{\fpeval{#4+1}}{%
    \psframe[fillstyle = solid](0,\r)(1,\fpeval{\r+#2})%
           \rE = 0+#2,
           \rF = \fpeval{0.5*#2}+#2,
           \iB = #4+-1
             \rA = 1+#1,
             \rB = \fpeval{0.5*#1+1}+#1,
             \rC = \fpeval{0.5*#2}+#2,
             \rD = \fpeval{1.5*#2}+-#2,
             \iA = 1+1
      \psframe[fillstyle = solid]%



