Draw 4 of the same figure in the same tikzpicture

Normally the recommendation is to use pics but here you can just use a slightly extended standard node.

\tikzset{repeating shape/.style={regular polygon,regular polygon sides=#1,alias=curr,draw,append after command={
    [draw,] foreach \XX [remember=\XX as \YY (initially #1)] 
    in {1,...,#1} {
    (curr.corner \XX) -- (curr.center) -- ($(curr.corner \YY)!0.5!(curr.corner

  \draw[fill=gray] foreach \X in {0,2.2} { foreach \Y in {0,2.2}
  {(\X,\Y) node[repeating shape=6,minimum size=3cm]{} }};

enter image description here

No one prevents you from pic, with as many options as possible.

  pics/hexagon/.style args={#1 and #2}{
      \node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,minimum size=2*\R] (x) {};
      \coordinate (x.corner 0) at (x.corner 6);
      \foreach \i in {0,...,5} {
        \fill[#1] (x.center) -- (x.{\i*60}) -- (x.{\i*60+30});
        \fill[#2] (x.center) -- (x.{\i*60-30}) -- (x.{\i*60});
\pic at (-1,-1) {hexagon=gray and black};
\pic at (-1, 1) {hexagon=gray and black};
\pic at ( 1,-1) {hexagon=gray and black};
\pic at ( 1, 1) {hexagon=gray and black};

enter image description here

Here is a simple way!

\fill[gray] (0:\a)--(60:\a)--(120:\a)
\foreach \i in {0,1,...,5} 
\fill[rotate=60*\i] (0,0)--(120:\a)-|cycle;

\foreach \j in {45,135,-135,-45}{

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf