Downloading and unzipping a .zip file without writing to disk

I'd like to add my Python3 answer for completeness:

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import requests

def get_zip(file_url):
    url = requests.get(file_url)
    zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(url.content))
    files = [ for file_name in zipfile.namelist()]
    return files.pop() if len(files) == 1 else files


My suggestion would be to use a StringIO object. They emulate files, but reside in memory. So you could do something like this:

# get_zip_data() gets a zip archive containing 'foo.txt', reading 'hey, foo'

import zipfile
from StringIO import StringIO

zipdata = StringIO()
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata)
foofile ='foo.txt')

# output: "hey, foo"

Or more simply (apologies to Vishal):

myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(get_zip_data()))
for name in myzipfile.namelist():
    [ ... ]

In Python 3 use BytesIO instead of StringIO:

import zipfile
from io import BytesIO

filebytes = BytesIO(get_zip_data())
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filebytes)
for name in myzipfile.namelist():
    [ ... ]

I'd like to offer an updated Python 3 version of Vishal's excellent answer, which was using Python 2, along with some explanation of the adaptations / changes, which may have been already mentioned.

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import urllib.request
url = urllib.request.urlopen("")

with ZipFile(BytesIO( as my_zip_file:
    for contained_file in my_zip_file.namelist():
        # with open(("unzipped_and_read_" + contained_file + ".file"), "wb") as output:
        for line in
            # output.write(line)

Necessary changes:

  • There's no StringIO module in Python 3 (it's been moved to io.StringIO). Instead, I use io.BytesIO]2, because we will be handling a bytestream -- Docs, also this thread.
  • urlopen:
    • "The legacy urllib.urlopen function from Python 2.6 and earlier has been discontinued; urllib.request.urlopen() corresponds to the old urllib2.urlopen.", Docs and this thread.


  • In Python 3, the printed output lines will look like so: b'some text'. This is expected, as they aren't strings - remember, we're reading a bytestream. Have a look at Dan04's excellent answer.

A few minor changes I made:

  • I use with ... as instead of zipfile = ... according to the Docs.
  • The script now uses .namelist() to cycle through all the files in the zip and print their contents.
  • I moved the creation of the ZipFile object into the with statement, although I'm not sure if that's better.
  • I added (and commented out) an option to write the bytestream to file (per file in the zip), in response to NumenorForLife's comment; it adds "unzipped_and_read_" to the beginning of the filename and a ".file" extension (I prefer not to use ".txt" for files with bytestrings). The indenting of the code will, of course, need to be adjusted if you want to use it.
    • Need to be careful here -- because we have a byte string, we use binary mode, so "wb"; I have a feeling that writing binary opens a can of worms anyway...
  • I am using an example file, the UN/LOCODE text archive:

What I didn't do:

  • NumenorForLife asked about saving the zip to disk. I'm not sure what he meant by it -- downloading the zip file? That's a different task; see Oleh Prypin's excellent answer.

Here's a way:

import urllib.request
import shutil

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as response, open("downloaded_file.pdf", 'w') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

Below is a code snippet I used to fetch zipped csv file, please have a look:

Python 2:

from StringIO import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
from urllib import urlopen

resp = urlopen("")
zipfile = ZipFile(StringIO(
for line in
    print line

Python 3:

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
from urllib.request import urlopen
# or: requests.get(url).content

resp = urlopen("")
zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(
for line in

Here file is a string. To get the actual string that you want to pass, you can use zipfile.namelist(). For instance,

resp = urlopen('')
zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(
# ['bbc.classes', '', 'bbc.mtx', 'bbc.terms']


