Download Canvas as PNG in fabric.js giving network Error

Since the previous two answers only work for dataURLs that have base64 data, and because this answer has been referenced by more general questions related to "network errors" because of href attributes that are too large, here's the code I'm using:

// must be called in a click handler or some other user action
var download = function(filename, dataUrl) {
    var element = document.createElement('a')

    var dataBlob = dataURLtoBlob(dataUrl)
    element.setAttribute('href', URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob))
    element.setAttribute('download', filename) = 'none'

    var clickHandler;
    element.addEventListener('click', clickHandler=function() {
        // ..and to wait a frame
        requestAnimationFrame(function() {

        element.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler)


// from Abhinav's answer at
var dataURLtoBlob = function(dataurl) {
    var parts = dataurl.split(','), mime = parts[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1]
    if(parts[0].indexOf('base64') !== -1) {
        var bstr = atob(parts[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n)
            u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n)

        return new Blob([u8arr], {type:mime})
    } else {
        var raw = decodeURIComponent(parts[1])
        return new Blob([raw], {type: mime})

With these functions you can change the code to this:

document.getElementById("downloadPreview").addEventListener('click', function() {
  var dataURL = _canvasObject.toDataURL({format: 'png', multiplier: 4})
  download("hellowWorld.png", dataURL)

I got it. Worked it out as suggested by Kaiido

function dataURLtoBlob(dataurl) {
    var arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
        bstr = atob(arr[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
        u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
    return new Blob([u8arr], {type:mime});

NOTE: Got the above function from HTML5 / Javascript - DataURL to Blob & Blob to DataURL

var downloadCanvas =    function(){
    var link = document.createElement("a");
      var imgData = _canvasObject.toDataURL({    format: 'png',
        multiplier: 4});
      var strDataURI = imgData.substr(22, imgData.length);
      var blob = dataURLtoBlob(imgData);
      var objurl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = "helloWorld.png";

      link.href = objurl;;

The problem you are facing is not directly related to fabricjs, (nor canvas and not even javascript btw), but comes from limitations some browsers (including Chrome) does have on the maximum length for the src attribute of an Anchor Element (<a>) with the donwload attribute.

When this limit is reached, then the only thing you've got is this uncatchable "Network Error" in the console ; the download as failed, but you as the developer can't know about it.

As proposed in this (you-refused-to-mark-as-) duplicate, the solution is either to directly get a Blob when available (for canvas, you may call its toBlob() method, or to first convert your dataURI to a Blob, and then create an object URL from this Blob.

Fabricjs doesn't seem to have a toBlob function implemented yet, so in your exact case, you'll have to do the later.
You can find many scripts to convert dataURI to Blob, one is available in MDN's polyfill to Canvas.toBlob() method.

Then it would look like this :

// edited from
function dataURIToBlob(dataURI, callback) {
  var binStr = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]),
    len = binStr.length,
    arr = new Uint8Array(len);

  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i);

  callback(new Blob([arr]));

var callback = function(blob) {
    var a = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
    a.innerHTML = 'download';
    // the string representation of the object URL will be small enough to workaround the browser's limitations
    a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    // you must revoke the object URL, 
    //   but since we can't know when the download occured, we have to attach it on the click handler..
    a.onclick = function() {
      // ..and to wait a frame
      requestAnimationFrame(function() {

dataURIToBlob(yourDataURL, callback);