Dotted footnote rule

You're looking for \leaders. \leaders is a TeX primitive used to repeat a box until it fills some space. I used \xleaders here: the x stands for "expanded leaders", to ensure the dots are placed aligned with the margins.

I added three customisation points: \fnoterulesep is the distance between two consecutive dots, and \fnoterulechar is the character to be repeated. Here's an example with 2pt and .:

enter image description here

and here with 5pt and $\bullet$:

enter image description here

I also added a \fnoteruleaftersep to tweak the distance between the rule and the footnotes.

\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry}

  \par \nointerlineskip


This a piece of text with a footnote here\footnote{This is my footnote} for testing purposes.



Is this what you want?

\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3.5cm, hmargin=2.5cm]{geometry}

  \kern -4.5pt
 \vbox to 0.5pt{\hbox to \textwidth{\leaders\hbox{\kern 4pt .\kern 4pt}\hfil}\vss}
  \kern 4pt


This a piece of text with a footnote here\footnote{This is my footnote} for testing purposes.


enter image description here