Don't break header/footer when making page landscape format

Go into the footer of your landscape page, and on the ribbon (Design | Navigation), select "Link to Previous". You will get a warning, click "Yes". This should place the footer text back. (You may need to do the same thing for the the header.)

Next, highlight the page number in the footer. Right click and select "Format page numbers". Select "Continue from previous section" radio button.

Check that the sections after the landscape page have not been affected. If they have, repeat the procedure for those sections.

SOLVED: Microsoft Word 2007.

  1. Double click the footer.
  2. Design Ribbon pops up at top of screen
  3. In Design Ribbon, under "Header & Footer" section, select Page Number drop-down and select "Format Page numbers..."
  4. In the Format Page numbers dialog box, ensure radio button under "Page numbering" is set to "Continue from previous section". Hit OK.

The clean way to do it is to delete the page break and replace it with a section break (next page). At the top of the page after the break, hit "Enter" and insert another section break (next page). Move your cursor back to the top of the page (in between the two breaks), change the orientation to landscape, and insert your chart. There will be an extra paragraph line on the next page, just delete it.