Does tmux support relative line-numbers?

I found this tip. It will take you to your line with less keystrokes.

# super fast way to reach copy-mode and search upwards
bind-key / copy-mode \; send-key ?

tmux has a linenumber system in copy mode. however the first line is very bottom line.

In copy mode you can press : to go to line but there is no option to show linenumber. You can use some vim motions (key-mode was set as vi) in copy-mode, e.g. j k 20j 20k f F t T gg G 20G H L M ^ $ / ? ctrl-u ctrl-d w b ....

I think for copy a block of text, it is enough.. If you think you still cannot "ultra-speedy navigation", make a scenario, let's see how could we copy faster.

check man-page of tmux for details.