Does Qt provide a class that represents an IP address?

There is an alternative to using isIpv4Address() and isIPv6Address(). For example:

QHostAddress address(myString);
if (QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol == address.protocol())
   qDebug("Valid IPv4 address.");
else if (QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol == address.protocol())
   qDebug("Valid IPv6 address.");
   qDebug("Unknown or invalid address.");

See also:

Hope this helps.

Here is the official answer from Nokia support engineer, name removed for privacy protection:

I posted a question on as follow:

Does Qt provide a class that represents an IP address?

You can see that someone posted a solution to my question already.

However, I want to ask how come Nokia doesn't just provide a method to

QHostAddress ( like isValid() ) that will check the host address's validity?

Thank you for your inquiry. You can use the isNull() method to check the validity. It will return true for invalid addresses:

Hope this helps.


Support Engineer, Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia

The bool return value of QHostAddress::setAddress(const QString &address) tells if the string is successfully parsed as an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

QHostAddress addr;
if (addr.setAddress(myString)) {
    // valid
} else {
    // invalid

