Does PNG contain EXIF data like JPG?

Edit: Version 1.5.0 (July 2017) of the Extensions to the PNG 1.2 Specification has finally added an EXIF chunk. It remains to be seen if encoders-decoders begin to support it.

Original: PNG does not embed EXIF info. It allows, however, to embed metadata "chunks" inside the image. Some of the standardized chunks correspond to a few EXIF attributes (physical dimensions, timestamp). And it's also possible to store arbitrary textual data as key=>value pairs, or to define new chunk types. So, you could in theory store any EXIF information... but, alas, in your own custom format. Some attempts to standarize have not caught up, it seems.

Edit: As of July 2017, PNG officially supports an eXIf chunk to store EXIF metadata (specification). ExifTool 10.59 and later write EXIF to this new chunk in PNG images.

Original: ImageMagick stores EXIF information in a PNG "Raw profile type APP1" zTXt chunk when converting from JPEG images. This method of storing EXIF in PNG images is also supported by ExifTool (and I believe Exiv2 too), but it is not part of the PNG or EXIF specification.