Sharepoint - Does an SPFx webpart run on Gulp or Node as web server?

Neither Gulp or Node act as the web server. The web server used for SPFx is Connect, see below.

These are (some of) the different moving parts in the SPFx workbench

  • Node.js: is the JavaScript runtime, using Chrome V8 JavaScript engine (could be compared to .NET CLR)
  • Gulp: is a build system for Node.js (also known as a task runner)
  • Gulp-connect: is a Gulp task using the Connect web server
  • Connect: is a http server for Node.js

SPFx uses a Gulp plugin called Gulp connect to start the webserver hosting the Workbench.

You're right saying that Gulp is a task-runner. In a way you could compare it MSBuild in .NET development. Also your comparison of Node to CLR is correct in the context of SPFx.

