Does a Python-like virtualenv exist in Julia?

Nowadays Julia has this kind of thing built into it's package manager, they're called environments and it's described here. It boils down to this, enter the package mangement repl by hitting ], then the command activate $dir switches to the environment described in $dir, then use the instantiate command to install the packages described in the environment.

Currently (julia 1.2) is able to manage virual environments via it's builtin Pkg standard library module:

julia> ]

(v1.2) pkg> activate tutorial
[ Info: activating new environment at `/tmp/tutorial/Project.toml`.

(tutorial) pkg>

(tutorial) pkg> status
    Status `/tmp/tutorial/Project.toml`
   (empty environment)

(tutorial) pkg> add Example

(tutorial) pkg> status
    Status `/tmp/tutorial/Project.toml`
  [7876af07] Example v0.5.1

There is Playground.jl

A package for managing julia sandboxes like python's virtualenv (with a little influence from pyenv and virtualenvwrapper)

