Dockerize existing Django project

This question is too broad. What happens with the Dockerfile you've created?

You don't need docker compose unless you have multiple containers that need to interact.

Some general observations from your current Dockerfile:

  • It would be better to collapse the pip install commands into a single statement. In docker, each statement creates a file system layer, and the layers in between the pip install commmands probably serve no useful purpose.
  • It's better to declare dependencies in or a requirements.txt file (pip install -r requirements.txt), with fixed version numbers (foopackage==0.0.1) to ensure a repeatable build.
  • I'd recommend packaging your Django app into a python package and installing it with pip (cd /code/; pip install .) rather than directly adding the code directory.
  • You're missing a statement (CMD or ENTRYPOINT) to execute the app. See

Warning: -onbuild images have been deprecated.

@AlexForbes raised very good points. But if you want a super simple Dockerfile for Django, you can probably just do:

FROM python:3-onbuild
RUN python collectstatic
CMD ["python", ""]

You then run your container with:

docker run myimagename runserver

The little -onbuild modifier does most of what you need. It creates /usr/src/app, sets it as the working directory, copies all your source code inside, and runs pip install -r requirements.txt (which you forgot to run). Finally we collect statics (might not be required in your case if statics are hosted somewhere), and set the default command to so everything is easy to run.

You would need docker-compose if you had to run other containers like Celery, Redis or any other background task or server not supplied by your environment.

I actually wrote an article about this in

My case is very similar, but it adds a MySQL db service and environment variables for code secrets, as well as the use of docker-compose (needed in macOS). I also use the python:2.7-slim docker parten image instead, to make the image much maller (under 150MB).