docker on ubuntu 16.04 error when killing container

For me removing the unknown from AppArmor works:

sudo aa-remove-unknown

AppArmor (Application Armor) is a Linux security module that protects an operating system and its applications from security threats. To use it, a system administrator associates an AppArmor security profile with each program. Docker expects to find an AppArmor policy loaded and enforced. Check default profiles with:

# sudo apparmor_status

To use docker default profile on a container, run:

$ docker run --rm -it --name test-container --security-opt apparmor=docker-default image-name

You disable it using the commands:

--security-opt apparmor=unconfined

With the docker run commands.

To disable apparmor service, use:

# systemctl stop apparmor && systemctl disable apparmor

For Ubuntu 14. Use:

# service apparmor stop
# update-rc.d -f apparmor remove

It’s recommended to set working profiles for Docker apparmor than disabling it, especially for production setups.

Check this awesome google document on Securing Containers with AppArmor.

This command will stop all docker containers.

sudo killall docker-containerd-shim

This command will remove all docker containers.

sudo docker-compose down