Docker Hub: How do I pull an older version of a 3rd party image?

I am afraid it's not possible. Build Details tab shows no tags other than latest and edge, which were overwritten each time a build was made.

Try to contact the image contributor. This is his github profile, where you can find his email address:

He might provide you a previous version taken from some of his old commits.

You can use the digest ID only if the image doesn't have a tag. FROM is either FROM image:tag or FROM image:hash. This is just really bad when you want to pull debian:jessie@c856411d1c21111855a54c5d29f2bfe099d63ce7

You need the digest ID.

For example:

docker pull postgres@sha256:500edc08fa825dbf3f28dceced99fe84b8a4211d7a45fc0062250d4efb0f64c5

Some of the projects may have additional history available to retrieve an old digest id. For example these projects: