Docker - How to take a look at the Tables inside MySQL volume?

You can execute any SQL command directly from the host to view your database.
You are looking for this command:

docker exec -it mysql-container mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw -D thisdatabase -e "SELECT * FROM table_name;

where mysql-container is the name of the mysql container
where -uroot is the account for the sql container
where -pmy-secret-pw is the password for the sql container
where thisdatabase is the name of the database to inspect
where table_name is obviously the database table name of interest

TIP: if it is a new container, and you don't know the password, just run this command:

sudo docker logs mysql-container 2>&1 | grep GENERATED

Yes, you can see All Table information from docker command line.

First, go inside docker container, run below command.

docker exec -it mysql_container_name mysql -uroot -p

where “root” is the username for MySQL database. After running above command it will ask you a password.

Then Select Database, run below command

USE Name-Of-The-Database

get the list of all tables.

show tables;

Run any query, e.g select * from

SELECT * FROM table_name;

I have listed down some daily docker useful commands, have a look.

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