docker delete a container code example

Example 1: remove docker container

# List all containers (only IDs)
docker ps -aq
# Stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
# Remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
# Remove all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Example 2: docker delete all containers

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Example 3: docker remove container

//Check if the container is running
docker ps -a

//stop the container
docker stop 

//remove the container
docker rm 

Example 4: docker force remove container

docker rm -f [containerid]

Example 5: how to delete docker containers

docker system prune -a

Example 6: docker remove not running containers

docker container rm $(docker container ls –aq)


Misc Example