docker-compose "No such file or directory" for sh-command

I had same issue recently and the problems goes away using any advanced editor and changing line ending to unix style on sh entrypoint scripts.

In my case, not sure why, because git handle it very well depending on linux or windows host I ended up in same situation. If you have files mounted in container and host(in windows) it dependes on how you edit them may be changed to linux from inside container but that affects outside windows host. After that git stated file .sh changed but no additions no deletions. a graphical compare tool showed up that only new line where changed.

Another workaround to trouble shooting you can start your container overriden entrypoint script by sh for example and then from there you can check on the started container how linux sees the entrypoint script, even you can test it and will see exact same error

Sorry for my english, not my native language. Hope this helps someone.