Do we have Git source control explorer in Visual Studio 2017?

In short, no, there is no built-in UI support for Git in Visual Studio 2017.

Alternatively, you can try the following extensions based on your source control setup.

In Visual Studio, select ToolsExtensions and Updates, select Online on the left pane, search for one of the following in the search bar in the top right:

Bitbucket → install Visual Studio Bitbucket Extension

GitHub → Install GitHub Extension for Visual Studio

Git → Install Easy Git Integration Tools

The first two do a good job of providing UI controls to work with source control as they relate to Bitbucket or GitHub in a similar fashion to regular TFS integration (that you may be familiar with). I haven't tried the third one myself, and I'm not sure what that one is like.

Please see the Solution Explorer - Folder View. This can be accessed from Solution Explorer (open with CTRL+W, S), then by clicking the Solutions and Folders toggle button. In Visual Studio 2017, it looks like this:

Screen snippet of Solution Explorer - Folder View and View Toggle button

Though it's not a 1:1 capability of the Team Foundation Source Control Explorer view, it does have the ability to view files in the local repo, open, view history, etc.

Visual Studio does not currently have Source Control Explorer for Git repositories. You might consider voting on this User Voice item to help the product team prioritize features: