Do tenure-track search committees using receive revisions to job applications after the initial submission date?

It's relatively easy to download a set of applications from as a huge .pdf file. In our last search, the committee members looked at the applications in that way rather than looking at them online. Thus in our first round of evaluations we would have missed any updates that were submitted after the deadline. For candidates that made it to the phone interview stage, we did keep track of updates to the application, but in most cases the applicant sent us an email saying "... Also, my paper XXXX was just accepted for publication in YYYY..."

Thus I wouldn't count on any update to your mathjobs application that comes after the deadline being seen by the search committee. If you do update the appliction, you should probably send an email to the search committee chair.

I have not seen anyone print any files from, but only look at them on-line, so certainly any updates will be seen.

Also, even when deadlines are relatively early, it's not the case that the relevant committee or other people are so eager to start looking at files. It's just that when people do start looking, they'd want files to be as complete as possible, rather than there being a reason to have to do another pass, or two, through the whole "pile".

Seeing that papers are "submitted (to X?)" is worth something, though obviously "not as good as" "accepted", status-points-wise.