Do browsers change URLs of saved bookmarks in response to 301 redirection?

I tested the web browsers on my computer and none of them changed the address stored in the bookmark.

  • Internet Explorer 7 - no
  • Firefox 3.0 - no
  • Chrome 4.0 - no
  • Opera 10.01 - no

How I tested

First, I found some addresses that return a 301. For example, returns a 301 to

In each browser, I went to the bookmark editor, and manually created a bookmark for the old address. I visited the bookmark, then looked at the bookmark's properties to see if the address was updated to the new address.

While working on this, I came across a similar Stack Overflow question you may find interesting: Client Web Browser Behavior When Handling 301 Redirect.

I don't think so. They could at least ask you couldn't they?

"Such and such a site has updated their url. Would you like to update your bookmark?"