Do 2FA sites leak info by confirming a correct password guess?

If I'm understanding your question properly, the attack you are proposing is to brute-force passwords against a server like this, then once it shows you the MFA screen, go try that password on other websites that this user has accounts on.

This is a great question! Good find! But you seem to be overlooking two points:

  1. This is no weaker than not having MFA, which also confirms the correct password ... by letting you in.

  2. No hacker in their right mind will try brute-forcing a password against a live server which typically rate-limits you to like 5 guesses per second. Or in the case of the big providers like GMail or Outlook, have complex fraud-detection systems that do auto IP-blocking of suspicious activity. 99.999...% of the time, password brute-forcing is done against password hashes stolen directly from the database on which you can guess (m|b)illions of passwords per second.

So while I agree with you that there is the potential for some data leakage here, I think the risk is minimal, and far outweighed by the user inconvenience of having to fumble with their OTP fob just to find out that they typo'd their password.

Update addressing comments since this has become a hot network question:

There are two types of Multi-factor authentication (aka "2FA" or "MFA") that really need to be thought about separately:

  1. SMS or Push Notification 2FA: when you get to the 2FA screen it sends a code to your device that you have to type in. For many users, this is probably the only type of 2FA that you've been exposed to. The attack described in the question will not work in this case because the user will receive a 2FA code they did not request and they'll know something's wrong. Moreover, doing the 2FA step regardless if the password is correct is actually harmful it this case because:

    • An attacker could potentially cause the user to get a huge monthly data / SMS bill, or crash their device by filling its memory with notifications.
    • It also leaks which users have 2FA enabled, and which are easy targets.
  2. "Offline" 2FA using code-generator tokens, apps, or public-key enabled smart cards / USB sticks. This is the kind of 2FA that government, military, and corporations use. So while it's less visible to end-users, it's by far the more important type of 2FA because of the value of the data it's protecting. In this case, there is no "built-in" notification to the user when an attacker gets to their 2FA screen. And usually all users are required to use 2FA, so there's no harm in leaking which user have 2FA enabled, because it's all of them.

Imagine this scenario for Case 2: a corporate VPN that sits on top of the Windows Active Directory. Public-facing VPNs get hammered on all day long by password guessers, so there's nothing unusual about those logs. But if I can have the user's password confirmed by the VPN's 2FA screen, then I can walk up to their laptop and log in confident that it will not lock out the Windows account - which would certainly get noticed by the user / IT. The question correctly points out a security hole that the pattern of "got to the 2FA screen and entered nothing / entered something incorrect" should certainly be flagged as more severe than your standard "incorrect username/password" and should notify the end-user to retire their password.

I think this is a non-issue. Multi-factor authentication isn't about preventing someone to guess your password, but to prevent anyone to sign in on your accounts.

So now the cracker may have access to all the user's accounts across the web, many of which probably don't have MFA implemented, leaving the user completely vulnerable to attacks.

An attacker isn't going to try guessing a password on Google that they aren't also going to try for the bank or facebook or the like. Just because it's now been given away that it is a valid password puts the attacker no closer to compromising any other accounts. The guessed password needed to be from a crib of high probability guesses, because a true brute force will never work on a live system.

If you could demonstrate that sites using 2FA have worse anti-guessing algorithms (I would bet they are at least as good if not better) compared to sites that don't offer 2FA, your point would be valid since an attacker could abuse one and pivot toward the other. In reality the opposite is likely true, sites investing in 2FA are also investing in anti-guessing systems at the same time.