Django translations does not work

and keep in mind if your language has a country in it e.g. fa-IR, in your settings file you must add:


but when you want to call makemessages command you should change - to _:

makemessages -l fa_IR

I solved my issue. In my case, the problem was with the LOCALE_PATHS definition in

I tested it in the view by :

from TranslationTest import settings
return HttpResponse(settings.LOCALE_PATHS)

It was showing home/myProjects/TranslationTest/TranslationTest/locale, however makemessages was producing the files in home/myProjects/TranslationTest/locale

so I changed my settings as follows :

SITE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__name__))
LOCALE_PATHS = ( os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'locale'), )

and now it works.

But I still wonder, why didn't makemessages understand that it should create the files in the LOCALE_PATHS specificed by

In my understanding, it always produces the locale files in SITE_ROOT/locale, so we should always set LOCALE_PATHS to this? If this is a default, why set it at all? I would appreciate further information on this issue.

Thanks for all the help !