django-debug-toolbar not showing up

What is DEBUG set to? It won't load unless it's True.

If it's still not working, try adding '' to INTERNAL_IPS as well.


This is a last-ditch-effort move, you shouldn't have to do this, but it will clearly show if there's merely some configuration issue or whether there's some larger issue.

Add the following to

def show_toolbar(request):
    return True

That will effectively remove all checks by debug toolbar to determine if it should or should not load itself; it will always just load. Only leave that in for testing purposes, if you forget and launch with it, all your visitors will get to see your debug toolbar too.

For explicit configuration, also see the official install docs here.


Apparently the syntax for the nuclear option has changed. It's now in its own dictionary:

def show_toolbar(request):
    return True
    "SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK" : show_toolbar,

Their tests use this dictionary.

Debug toolbar wants the ip address in request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] to be set in the INTERNAL_IPS setting. Throw in a print statement in one of your views like such:

print("IP Address for debug-toolbar: " + request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])

And then load that page. Make sure that IP is in your INTERNAL_IPS setting in

Normally I'd think you would be able to determine the address easily by looking at your computer's ip address, but in my case I'm running the server in a Virtual Box with port forwarding...and who knows what happened. Despite not seeing it anywhere in ifconfig on the VB or my own OS, the IP that showed up in the REMOTE_ADDR key was what did the trick of activating the toolbar.