Django and ChartJS

You don't necessarily need to use serializers to render dynamic data in Chart.js (although you can if you would like). You can just iterate through your Django context variables like normal in the appropriate locations. Below is a line chart example. I would play around with this example, but this should show you how to easily render dynamic data with Django context variables.

<canvas id="funchart" width="75" height="50"></canvas>                      

<script type="text/javascript">  
     var a = document.getElementById('funchart').getContext('2d');
     var myLineChart = new Chart(a, {
               type: 'line',
               data: {
                   labels:[{% for i in myobject %}{{ i.labels }},{% endfor %}],
                   datasets: [{
                        label:'My Dot',
                        data: [{% for i in myobject %}{{ }},{% endfor %}]
                   scales: {
                       xAxes: [{
                       yAxes: [{
                           ticks: {

so i have been working the same stuff here, i think your label not showing up because the label on chart.js only wants a string, so try this on your labels:

labels: [{% for i in book %}"{{ }}",{% endfor %}]