Divisible strings

Befunge-98 (FBBI), 31 bytes

Output is via exit code, 1 for truthy, 0 for falsey cases.

^  >' %#@_

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Code running with inputs lol and ab:

Code with input lol Code with input ab

small numbers represent literal byte values

05AB1E, 5 bytes


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        # implicit input    "lol"
Ç       # push ASCII value  [108, 111, 108]
 s      # swap (with input) [108, 111, 108], "lol"
  g     # length            [108, 111, 108], 3
   Ö    # is divisible?     [1, 1, 1]
    P   # product           1

Haskell, 42 39 bytes

f s=sum[fromEnum c`mod`length s|c<-s]<1

3 fewer bytes thanks to ovs and xnor!

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