DisplayMemberPath concatenation

Unfortunately, this is not possible with DisplayMemberPath. You have the following alternatives:

  • Specify a DataTemplate

              <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}: {1}">
                <Binding Path="idregion"/>
                <Binding Path="description"/>

    (If you are wondering about the empty braces in the StringFormat attribute, see: What do the {} brackets mean in the StringFormat section of a Binding syntax?)

  • Add a property or field to your data source. How to do that depends on your data source:

    If your combo box is bound to a DataTable, add a DataColumn and fill its values in a loop. Alternatively, change your SQL and add the concatenated value to your SELECT clause.

    If your combo box is bound to a POCO or entity framework object, add a property that returns the concatenation.

You need to use a DataTemplate:

<ComboBox Name="cboRegion">
                <Run Text="{Binding idregion}" />
                <Run Text="{Binding description}" />



